How to install jdownloader: headless
Here the instructions on how to install jdownloader in a headless server, in my case my raspberry pi. So instructions are ubuntu based but you can substitute the commands with the ones from your distribution.
First, let’s Install Java
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
Then create a folder for jdownloader [we will download the installer and install it in this folder]
sudo mkdir ~/jdownloader
Move to that directory
sudo cd ~/jdownloader
Download jdownloader latest version
sudo wget
Change the owner of the downloaded file.
Note: The owner should be a valid group or user that will run the program
example: wheel/raspi
sudo chown wheel:raspi JDownloader.jar
Now install/execute jdowloader
sudo java -jar /opt/jdownloader/JDownloader.jar -norestart
Note: You will get a lot of information in the screen.
Jdownloader will begin to download and update the necessary files
If an update it’s need it, jdownloader will ask you, something like this:
|—————————Headless Information——————————-
| New update available
| A new update is available. Do you want to download it now?
| Enter y -> Download now
| Enter n -> Later
Choose y and wait
After a while you won’t see any new information being displayed, exit the program/screen using CTRL + C
Now search and confirm jdownloader isn’t running
sudo ps -aux | grep jdownloader
Note: the result should be only one line, which it’s the grep command that you just ran
username 162668 0.0 0.0 6044 660 pts/0 S+ 11:05 0:00 grep –color=auto jdownloader
if you get an extra line like
username 160587 2.0 21.9 3878712 204656 ? Ssl 09:28 2:01 /usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /home/nehemoth/jdownloader2/JDownloader.jar
just kill the program with
sudo kill -9 160587
160587: being YOUR running program ID
run the command again
sudo java -jar ~/jdownloader2/JDownloader.jar -norestart
Wait untill jdownload will ask you for your username & password
Note: if you don’t have one this is the moment to create one
Wait till’ Update Progress: 100%
You can confirm the connection now
Go to with your credentials
Select Connect JDownloader in the link near the “Your JDOWNLOADERS” message.

Now, exit the program one last time with CTRL + C
Create the service
Note: use your favorite editor, like nano or vim. I like vi
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/jdownloader.service
Description=JDownloader Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ~/jdownloader2/JDownloader.jar
#Should be owner of ~/jdownloader2
Enable the service so it runs with the system
sudo systemctl enable jdownloader.service
Then run your newly created service
sudo systemctl start jdownloader.service
Check that everything ran just fine
sudo systemctl status jdownloader.service
if you see any errors, you should check your service file.
If you do any modification, remember to reload before running it again
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
If everything OK, you should be able to connect to your downloads using
Please, let me know if you find any error. Leave a message.